少年日本史 (平泉澄) 
The story of Japan (Hiraizumi Kiyoshi)

神代(下)   英語(English)
06 神代(下)
 素戔嗚尊は、高天原を逐われて、根国に向かわれたが、折しも雨降りつづいて、この 旅行は非常に困難でした。途中で宿を乞われても、神々はすべて之を拒絶せられたので 、雨風の甚だしい中を、辛苦しつつ降られて、先ず出雲の国の簸の川上に到られました 。すると川上に、人の泣き声が聞こえます。不思議に思って尋ねて行かれますと、老翁 と老婆とが、中にいる一人の少女を撫でて泣くのでした。「一体どうしたのか」と尋ね られると、答えて云うには、「私共は国神、夫の名は脚摩乳、妻の名は手摩乳、少女は 娘の奇稲田姫であります。元は娘を八人もっていましたが、八岐大蛇の為に、毎年一人 ずつ取られて、今や最後の一人も呑まれようとしています。之を逃れたいと思いますが 、逃れる方法がありません。それで泣いているのでござります」と云う。尊は、「それ ならば、その娘を私にくれないか」と云われます。「仰せのままに差し上げましょう」 と答える。そこで尊は、奇稲田姫を、形をかえて湯津爪櫛として、御自分の御髻にさし 、屋敷の周囲に垣をめぐらし、垣に八つの門を設け、それぞれの門を入ればそれぞれ仮 殿があり、仮殿ごとに酒船を置き、船ごとに酒を満々と湛えさせて、さて八岐大蛇を待 っておられました。果たせるかな八岐大蛇はやって来た。八つの門より頭を入れ、八つ の酒船の酒を飲んで酔っ払い、そのまま寝てしまった。そこで尊は剣を抜いて之を寸断 せられましたところ、尾の部分に至って、剣の刃が少し欠けました。怪しいと思ってそ の尾を割かれましたところ、すばらしい大刀が入っていましたので、之を取り出して、 天照大神に献上せられました。これが有名な天叢雲剣であります。
 その後、尊は出雲の清地へ参られ、ここで奇稲田姫と御結婚になり、大己貴神をお生 みになりました。大己貴神は、一名を大国主神とも呼ばれました。実はここに口伝の混 乱があって、一方では大国主神は、素戔嗚尊の直ぐの御子と伝え、他方ではその間に四 代の神があり、大国主神は素戔嗚尊の六代目の御子孫であると伝えています。
 大国主神については、いろいろ面白い物語があります。その一つは、有名な稲羽(因 幡、鳥取県)の白兎の伝説です。大国主神には、御兄弟が沢山ありました。古事記には 、八十神とあります。その御兄弟と御一緒に、稲羽にお出掛けになった時、御兄弟は袋 を大国主神にかつがせ、御家来のようにして行かれました。やがて海岸に赤裸の兎のね ているのに逢われました。御兄弟達はいたずらをして、兎に向かい、海の塩水を浴びて 、高い山の上で、風に当たっていると良い、と勧められました。兎はその通りにしたと ころ、塩水の乾くままに、身の皮がはがれて、大変な痛みでした。最後に大国主神が来 られ、兎の泣いているのを見て、とうしたのか、と尋ねられました。兎の云うには、
 私は、隠岐の島から、ここへ渡ろうと思いましたが、渡る術が無いものですから、海 のわにを欺いて、兎の数と、わにの数と、どちらが多いか、調べて競争しようでは無い か、と提案し、先ずわにが皆集まって、隠岐から稲羽(因幡)まで並ぶ事を要求し、私 はその上を走りながら、数をかぞえる事にしました。私し首尾よく渡って、将に海岸へ 下りようとする時に、「ヤーイ、うまくだまされたな!」と叫びました。最後のわにが 腹を立てて、私を捕らえ、身の皮を剥ぎ取りました。それを悲しんでいましたところへ 、八十神が来られてまして、塩水を浴びて風に吹かれると良い、と教えて下さいました ので、その通りにしましたら、全身大苦しみです。
 大国主神は之を聞いて、いそぎ真水で身を洗い、蒲の穂を取ってまきちらし、その上 をころがり廻れば、本の通りに直るであろう、と教えてやられました。かような御徳に よって、大国主神は、八十神達の競争に打ち勝って、広大な国土を得られたのだ、と伝 えています。
 また伝えて云うには、この大国主神は、少彦名命と、力を合わせて、人及び家畜のた めに、病気治療の方法を定め、更に鳥獣や昆虫のわざわいを排除せんがために、まじな いの法を教えられ、人々は広く、また長く、その御恩を蒙ったと云います。かような御 徳の為に、国土も広くなったが、御家も御繁栄で、御子はすべて百八十一柱ましました 、と云います。
 話を本へ戻しましょう。伊弉諾尊と伊弉册尊とは、大八島国の主たるべき神を生もう とされたのに、天照大神は高天原へお昇りになり、月読尊も天へ御昇り、素戔嗚尊は根 国へ追放となりましたので、大八島国には、まだ主たるべき御方がありません。底で天 照大神は、御子天忍穂耳尊を、この国の主として天降そうとせられました。天忍穂耳尊 は、天浮橋に立って、情勢を御視察になると、この国は非常な騒乱でありましたから、 引き返して之を大神に御報告になりました。大神は、天安河の河原に八百万神を集めて 、葦原中国の邪悪を平定せんが為には、誰を派遣したらよいか、とお尋ねになりました 。神々は、天穂日命を推薦しました。然しこの神は、大国主神に媚びて、三年経っても 、御返事申し上げません。そこでまた御相談があって、今度は天稚彦を派遣せられまし たが、これは下照姫と結婚して、そのまま滞在して、八年たっても報告しません。どう したのかと思われて、無名雉をやって様子をうかがわせられましたところ、天稚彦の門 の前の木にとまっているところを、天稚彦は弓矢を以て射殺しました。その矢、雉の胸 を射通して、高天原まで届いたので、高天原では之を取って投げかえされたところ、天 稚彦に当たって、之を殺しました。
 高天原では、度々の使者、皆失敗に終わったので、今度は人選を厳重にして、建御雷 神と経津主神とを派遣せられました。この二柱の神、出雲の国の海辺に下り、十握の剣 を抜いて、さかしまに地につきたてて、その鋒端にあぐらをかきながら、大国主神に交 渉して、皇孫尊に国土を譲られるか、どうかを尋ねたところ、大国主神は、その子、事 代主神に問うた後に、御返事しましょうと答えました。事代主神は異議なく譲与を承諾 されたので、二柱の神は、高天原へ帰って之を報告せられました。
 かようないきさつで手間取っているうちに、年月もたちましたので、いよいよ御降臨 になるのは、天忍穂耳尊では無く、その御子、天津彦彦火瓊瓊杵尊となりました。天照 大神には、御孫に当たられるので、皇孫尊と申し上げます。その御降臨に際して、大神 は、八坂瓊曲玉、八咫鏡、及び天叢雲剣、以上三種の神器をお授けになり、又中臣の先 祖天児屋命、忌部の先祖太玉命、猿女の先祖天鈿女命、鏡作の先祖石凝姥命、及び玉作 の先祖玉屋命、以上五部神を五供につけられました。そして、
 葦原の千五百秋の瑞穂の国は、これ吾子孫の王たるべき地なり。宜しく爾皇孫、就い て治せ。行矣。宝祚の隆まさんこと、当に天壌とともに窮無かるべし。
 皇孫、乃ち天磐座をおしはなち、また天八重雲をおしわけて、稜威之道別に、ちわき て、日向の襲の高千穂の峯に天降ります。
 瓊瓊杵尊の御子、御兄は火闌降命、次は彦火火出見尊、この御兄弟に、問題が起こり ました。兄命には海の幸があり、弟尊には山の幸がありました。ある時、それを交換し てみようと話合われて、兄命は御弟の弓矢を借りて山へ行き、弟尊は御兄の釣針を借り て海へ行かれましたが、どちらも獲物は無かったので、元へ戻そうとして、兄命は弓矢 を返されましたが、弟尊は海で釣針を失ってしまったので返す事が出来ません。新しい 針を求めて返そうとされますが、兄命は承知されません。弟尊は困って心を痛めながら 浜辺をさまよっておられると、塩土老翁が現れて、無目籠を作り、その中へ尊を入れて 、海の中へ沈めました。尊は海底へ下りたち、海神の宮殿へゆき、門の前の樹のかげに 休んでおられました。しばらくして宮殿の戸が開き、一人の美人が出て来て、門前の井 から水を汲みます。汲んだ水に美しい男子の顔がうつったので、驚いて見上げると、樹 かげに尊が立っておられたので、驚いて之を両親に知らせ、一家総出で尊を歓迎し、尊 の困っておられるわけを聴いて、「それは、たやすい事、魚を全部召集して、しらべて みましょう」と云って、集めてみると、誰も「知りません」と云う。但し赤鯛が口の中 に病があると云って欠席している。それを呼び出して口の中を探ると、果たして釣針が 出てきたので、之を尊にお返し申し上げました。尊は海神の御娘豊玉姫と結婚して、海 底の宮殿に滞在される事、三年、いよいよ故郷へ帰ろうとされると、海神は名残を惜し みながら、玉を二つ献上しました。一つは潮満瓊、今一つは潮涸瓊。帰って兄命に針を 返そうとされますが、兄命は意地悪で話がまとまりません。そこで潮満瓊を海水につけ られたところ、忽ち海水が満ちてきて、兄命は溺死しようとされます。後悔してあやま られるのを見て、潮涸瓊をつけられると、忽ち海水は引き去って、兄命は助かりました 。
 この彦火火出見尊の御子が盧(盧+鳥旁)茲(茲+鳥旁)草葺不合尊(鵜草不合尊と も)、その御子が神日本磐余彦尊、即ち神武天皇であります。
 以上、神武天皇以前、神代と呼ばれる時代のあらましです。日本書紀と古事記とでは 、多少違ったところがあり、殊に日本書紀には、本文のあとに、「一書に曰く」として 、いろいろ違った伝を、丁寧に載せてありますが、然し大筋は変わっていません。
 さてこの神話の特色として注意すべき事の一つは、日本の島々が、人と同じく、神の 生み給うたものとされている点です。つまり我々の先祖は、この国土山河を、我々とは 別のものとは見ず、等しく神によって作られたものであって、いわば血が続いているよ うに考え、極めて親しい気持ちで対していたのです。かように山河自然に対し、動植物 に対して、あたたかい感情をいだいた事は、日本人の国民性を、美しくやさしく育てて ゆく上に、大きな関係があったと思われます。
 今一つの特色は、悲惨とか、冷酷とか、凶悪とか、いうような暗い話が少なくて、大 体ほがらかな、愉快な物語が多い事です。前にも述べた事ですが、余所の神話では、人 間の発生が怪獣から出たとしたり、また罪悪から人が生まれたとしたり、或いは惨殺、 姦淫など、猥がましい話が多いのに、我が国には、そのような暗い話は少なく、大国主 命と稲羽の白兎にしても、彦火火出見尊と赤鯛にしても、まことに面白く、楽しい話が 多いのです。
 そして皇孫瓊瓊杵尊御降臨の際に、天照大神より下し給うた天壌無窮の神勅と三種の 神器、更にその御降臨の御様子を伝えた神話に至っては、まことに荘厳であって、光に 充ちているものでしょう。「天壌とともに窮無かるべし」とは、瓊瓊杵尊直系の御子孫 は、「代々日本の国の統治者として、天皇の御位をお継ぎになり、その輝かしい光栄と 、その重い責任とを荷って、いつまでも、いつまでも、永遠にお栄になるのだ」と云う 意味であります。即ちそれは、大神の宣言であり、誓約であります。皆さんは、キリス ト教のバイブルを知っていますか。バイブルは、訳して聖書と云います。その聖書に、 旧約聖書と新約聖書(Old Testament,New Testament)とがありましょう。その約( Testament)と云うのは、約束の意味でしょう。つまり神と人との間の約束、それを説い たものが聖書です。我が国では、その誓約が、天壌無窮の神勅として伝わってきたので す。
 神武天皇が国家を建設し、国民統合、上下和楽の基礎を築かれた事は、非常に辛苦艱 難を伴ったに違いありません。然も遂にそれを為しとげられたところを見れば、何者に も挫けない強い意志と、人々を心腹させる徳望とが、豊かにお有りになったに違いあり ません。そう云う意志や徳望の基づくところは、天皇の御先祖、即ち天照大神を初めと する神代の神々に在ったのでありましょう。神話をそのまま歴史的事実とは思われませ んが、このように考える時、深い意味があると思われます。

◇前章 ◇次章

06 The Age of the Gods [2]

Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity), banished from the Plain of High Heaven, headed towards the Root Land. Just as he went the rain poure, making his journey extremely difficult. He asked for lodging on the way, but all the Gods refused, so he continued his descent in the heavy rain and fierce wind, and reached the upper stream of Hi River, in Izumo Province (Shimane Prefecture).

Father upstream, he heard someone weeping. Mystified, he searched and found an elderly couple who wept over a young girl. Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) asked, "What is wrong?" The couple answered, "We are the Earthly Gods of the Land, Ashinatsuchi (Foot-Stroking Elder) and Tenatsuchi (Hand-Stroking Elder). This is our daughter Princess Kushi Inada Hime (Wondrous Rice Paddy Princess). Originally we had eight daughters, but year by year, they were devoured by the Eight-Tailed Dragon. This is the last daughter, and she will soon be devoured. We wish to flee, but there is no way. That is why we are weeping." "Then please entrust the daughter to me," Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) said, and they answered, "As you wish."

Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) turned Princess Kushi Inada Hime (Wondrous Rice Paddy Princess) into a comb and inserted it into hair knot. Then he built a fence around their mansion, and opened eight gates; each gate was equipped with a lightly made platform, and on each platform a barrel filled with sake-wine was placed. Then he waited.

Just as he planned, the Eight-Tailed Doragon approached, stuck his eight heads into the eight gates, and guzzled the rake-wine. Then he became so intoxicated he fill asleep.

Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) then drew his sword and cut the snake into pieced. When he reached the tail, the sword chipped. Wondering what had happened, Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) ripped the tail open, and a magnificent sword appeard. He present it to Amaterasu Ohmikami, and it became well known as The Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven.

Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) continued his journey as far as Suga in Izumo Province (Shimane Prefecture). There he married Princess Kushi Inada Hime (Wondrous Rice Paddy Princess), who gave birth to Oh-anamuchi no Kami (Possessor of the Great Name Deity). He is also known as Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Master Deity of the Land). There is confusion about the identity of this God. One legend says he is the direct descendant of Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity), while another says that there were four generations of Gods between Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) and Ohkuninushi no Kani (Great Master Deity of the Land), making him the sixth descendant.

Many intriguing stories have been transmitted sbout Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Master Deity of the Land), one of which is the well-known tale of the furless rabbit of Inaba (in Tottori Prefecture).

Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) had many brothers-eighty, according to Record of Ancient Mattars (Kojiki). When these brothers travelled to Inada, they made Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) carry their big bags and follow them like s servant. Going on ahead, the brothers found a furless rabbit lying on the beach, and tricked it, suggesting that it bathe in salty seawater, and dry himself in the wind on top of a high mountain to feel better. The rabbit followed their advice, and it hurt terribly as his skin cracked open in the wind. Then Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) arrived and saw the weeping rabbit, and inquired. The rabbit anawered, "I wanted to cross the Channel from the Island of Oki. There was no way, so I deceived the sea crocodiles by proposing that we compete to see who were more numerous, rabbit or sea crocodiles. First I damanded that the sea crocodiles gather and line up from the Island of Oki to Inada, so that I could count by hopping on top of them, from one to another. This way I made it across the Channel. But just as I landed on the beach, I shrieked, 'So, you were fooled!' Angry, the last sea crocodile in the line snatched me and took off my fur. Your brothers came as I was in anguish, and they advised me to bathe in seawater and dry myself in the wind. I did so, and I am in excruciating pain." Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) taught the rabbit to swiftly bathe in fresh water, pick the cattail plant and spread it flat and roll around in it. The rabbit was healed.

According to the legend, Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) defeated his numerous brothers and won the vast land, with the kindness and high moral character shown in this episode.

Another legend tells us that together with Sukuna Hikona no Mikoto (Little Lad Deity), Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) set up medical care for the humans and their domesticated animals. He also taught the humans shamanistic rituals to prevent the harmful effects of animals and insects. His benevolence to humans extended widely, lasting long. Because of his virtues the land he came to rule expanded and his house prospered ever more. He had a total of one-hundred and eighty-one Gods as children.

Returnig to the creation, Izanagi no Mikoto (Male Deity Who Invites) and Izanami no Mikoto (Female Deity Who Invites) intended to give birth to a God who would be the master of the Great Eight Islands (Japan). But Amaterasu Ohmikami had ascended to the High Plain of Heaven, and Tsukiyomi no Mikoto (the Moon Deity) also went up to Heaven. The third God Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) was exiled to the Root Land, so there was still no God to rule the Great Eight Island of Japan.

At this time, Amaterasu Ohmikami decided to send her child Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto (Heavenly Great August Deity) down to the Great Eight Islands, as its ruler. Ame no Oshihomimi bo Mikoto (Heavenly Great August Deity) stood on the Heavenly Floating Bridge and looked down to insrect; seeng that the land was in a great uproar, he turned back and reported this to Amaterasu Ohmikami. Amaterasu Ohmikami called all the eight hundred myriad Gods to the river bank of Heavenly Tranquil River, and inquired: who should be sent down to correct and pacify the evil ways of the Central Land of Reed Plains? Ama no Hohi no Mikoto (Heavenly Great Sun Deity) was nominated by the Gods.

But for thre years Ama no Hohi no Mikoto (Heavenly Great Sun Deity) continued catering to Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land), and would not report back. Amaterasu Ohmikami again consulted the Gods, and sent down Ame Wakahiko (Heavenly Young Lad). Ame Wakahiko (Heavenly Young Lad) married Princess Shita Teru Hime (Lower Radiant Princess) and remained there for eight years, without reporting back. Finally Amaterasu Ohmikami sent down a pheasant by the name of Nakime (Weeping Woman) to see what had happened.

The pheasant flew down, and sat on the tree in front of Ame Wakahiko's (Heavenly Young Lad) house, who shot and killed it with an arrow. This arrow not only pierced through chest of the pheasant, but flew up high, to the Plain of High Heaven. The arrow was flung back from the Plain of High Heaven, killing Ame Wakahiko (Heavenly Young Jad) in turn.

All messengers having failed, the next selection was carefully made in the Plain of High Heaven. This time Take Mikazachi no Kami (Valiant Lightning Male God) and Futsunushi no Kami (Snapping-Sound Master God) were sent down.

The two Gods landed on the beach of Izumo Province (Shimane Prefecture), where they pulled out a sword ten hands long, and stood it upside down. Sitting cross-legged on the tip of the sword, they negotiated with Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) to see if he would yield his land to Sume Mima no Mikoto, the Heavenly Imperial Grandchild of Amaterasu Ohmikami. Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) answered that he would consult with his son Kotoshironushi no Kami (Deity Who Understands Things), who accepted without dissent. The two messenger Gods returned to the Plain of High Heaven to report this.

All this took some years, so when the time came, it was not Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto (Heavenly Great August Deity) but his son Amatsuhiko Hikoho no Ninigi no Mikoto (Lad of the Peaceful Rice-Stalks Deity) who descended. He was the grandchild of Amaterasu Ohmikami, so he is called Sume Mima no Mikoto, the Heavenly Grandchild.

At the time of this descent, Amaterasu Ohmikami presented to him the three imperial regalia. They were the Curved Jewel of Yasaka Gem, the Eight Had Mirror, the Sword o the Gathering Clouds of Heaven. The attending Gods were,: Ama no Koyane no Mikoto (Heavenly Small-House Deity), the ancestor of the Nakatomi Clan; Futotama no Mikoto (Grand Jewel Deity), the ancestor of the Imube Clan; Ama no Uzume no Mikoto (Heavenly Crowned Female Deity), the ancestor of the Sarume women; Ishikori Tome no Mikoto (Stone-Cutting Female Deity), the ancestor of the Mirror Makers, and Tamanoya no Mikoto (Jewel Ancestor Deity), the ancestor of the Jade Makers. Then Amaterasu Ohmikami gave a decree, blessing teir future and promising everlasting gloy:

"This Reed-Plain-1500-Autumns-Fair-Rice-Ear Land is the region which my descendants shall be lords of. Do thou, my August Grandchild, procced thither and govern it. Go! and may prosperity attend thy dynasty, and may it, like Heaven and Earth, endure forever."

The scene of the descent is recorded in Chronicles of Japan (Nihon Shoki) as follows:

"Thereupon the August Gtandchild, leaving the Heavenly rock-seat, and thrusting apart the eight-piled clouds of Heaven, clove his way with an awful way-cleaving, and descended from Heaven. Finally, as had been arranged, the August Grandchild arrived at the peak of Kushifuru of Takachiho in Hiuga."

This Ninigi no Mikoto (Heavenly Grandchild) had two song, Ho no Susori no Mikoto (Fire Raging Lord Deity) and Hiko Hohodemi no Mikoto (Sun-Child Stalk-Hand Deity). A quarrel occurred between the two brother. The elder brother had a talent for fishing, and the younger brother, a talent for hunting. One day they decided to exchange their talents. The elder borrowed the bow and arrows and went to the mountain, and the younger borrowed the fishing hook and went to the sea. Neither caught anything. The bow and arrows were returned, but the fishing hook was lost in the sea so the younger brother could not return it, and a new hook was not acceptable. Distressed, the younger brother returned again to the beach, to look.

An elderly man Shiozutsu ni Oji (Salt Sea Elder) appeared, who wove a basket without interstices, and sent the younger brother down to the sea. The young God reached the bottom, went to the Palace of the Sea God.

As he was resting by the tree in front of the gate, a beautiful maiden appeared to fetch water from the well outside the gate. She was stunned to see a handsome young man's face reflected on the surface of the water. She looked up and saw the young God. She reported to her parents, and entire Palace welcomed him.

Hearing of the trouble he was in, they said,
"That is no trouble. We will summon all the fishes and enquire."
The fishes knew nothing, but the red snapper was absent because of a sore mouth. The red snapper was summoned, and the fishing hook was found in its mouth. It was returned to the young God.

The God married the princess of the Sea God, Toyotama Hime (Rich Jewel Princess), and spent three years in the Palace at the bottom of the sea. When the time came for him to depart, the Sea God presented to him two jewels, the jewel of the flowing tide and the jewel of the ebbing tide.

The elder brother, being ill-natured, would not accept the fishing hook which the younger brother brought back. So the younger brother dipped the jewel of the flowing tide into the seawater. The water rose and nearly drowned the elder brother, so he repented and spologized. Seeing this, the younger brother dipped the jewel of the ebbing tide and the water subsided, so the elder brother was saved.

The younger brother Hiko Hohodemi no Mikoto (Sun-Child Stalk-Hand Deity) had a son who was called Ugaya Fukiaezu no Mikoto (Cormorant Thatch Incompletely Thatched Deity), and his son was Kamu Yamato Iwarehiko no Mikoto (Divine Yamato Iware-Lad Lord), who is Emperor Jinmu.

This has been the outline of the mythical events the Age of the Gods, before the reign of Emperor Jinmu. Recod of Ancient Matters (Kojiki) and Chronicles of Japan (Nihon Shoki) differ in detail. Chronicles of Japan (Nihon Shoki) rather respectfully lists the varied legends as: "One book says." But the main thesis has not changed.

Characteristically, the Japanese myth presents the view that the Gods gave birth to the islands of Japan, just as they gave birth to the Japanese people. The ancient Japanese people regarded nature and the land not as separate entities. They felt that nature, the land and the people had been all created by the Gods. It was as thouth the three were related by blood, so in no small measure they felt close to their natural surroundings. The familiarity they felt towards the mountains, rivers, natural phenomana, animals and plants had much influence in cultivating the Japanese national temperament, which is gentle and warm.

The other characteristic of the myth is that tales of misery, brutality and evil are few in number, while there are many tales that are cheerful and funny. As stated before, in other myths, man developed from monsters, were born out of sin, and o on. Some of their episodes are immoral, involving massacre and adultery. But in the Japanese myths very few are gloomy. Recall Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Master Deity og the Land) and the white rabbit of Inaba, or that of Hiko Hohodemi no Mikoto (Sun-Child Stalk-Hand Deity) and the Red Snapper; these are dilightful and hilarious stories.

The most solemn and glorious part of the myth is the descent of Ninigi no Mikoto, the Heavenly Grandchild, at which time Amaterasu Ohmikami presented to him her Eternal Decree and the three imperial regalia. Her words "May thy dynasty, like Heaven and Earth, endure forever" mean that the direct descendants of Ninigi no Mikoto (Heavenly Grandchild) "succeed to the imperial throne and rule Japan, and bearing and glory and grave responsibility, they will prosper forever." This is the decree and the pledge of Amaterasu Ohmikami.

The Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Here, "testament" means promise; in other words, the Bible is the record of the promises made between God and man. In Japan, the Eternal Decree of Amaterasu Ohmikami was such a promise, and it has been handed down for many generations.

The integration of the people and the attainmaent of harmony of all classes was made possible by the founding of the nation. It must have required mach toil and suffering on the part of Emperor Jinmu, the founder. But his ultimate success shows that he possessed an irrepressable will, and moral influence that commanded and won the heats of the people. The same character must have been present in the Gods, beginning with Amaterasu Ohmikami from whom he descended. Myth is by no means historical truth; but when reflected in this manner, it has profound meaning.

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少年日本史 (平泉澄) 
The story of Japan (Hiraizumi Kiyoshi)