少年日本史 (平泉澄) 
The story of Japan (Hiraizumi Kiyoshi)

和気清麻呂   英語(English)
21 和気清麻呂
 奈良時代の仏教は、まことに花やかでした。宗派をかぞえては、倶舎宗・成実宗・律宗・ 法相宗・三論宗・華厳宗、以上六つあって、之を六宗と呼びました。次の平安時代の初め に、天台と真言とが加わって八宗となるのです。寺は、東大寺が抜群に大きかったが、 その外にも、西大寺・大安寺・元興寺・薬師寺・法隆寺・興福寺など、皆盛大でした。  僧侶で名高い人には、行基があり、良弁があり、鑑真がありました。(中略)
 ところで坊さんが皆このように、大和上と呼ばれたり、菩薩(ぼさつ)と仰がれるよ うに高徳の人ばかりであれば問題は無いのですが、そうは中々ゆかないもので、中には 悪いものもありました。その一番ひどいのが、弓削の道鏡です。彼も初めは評判が良か ったので、聖武天皇の御譲りを承けて御位につかれた女帝孝謙天皇の御信任を得ました 。そして次の淳仁天皇の御代、朝廷に不幸な争乱があって、孝謙天皇が再び御位におつ きになり、之を称徳天皇と申し上げるのですが、その頃になる、道鏡は初め大臣禅師、 二年後には太政大臣禅師と云う、大宝令の制度には無い、不思議な官に任ぜられました 。つまり政治上最高の大官であって、同時に仏教界最上の地位を兼ねるわけですが、こ れはおかしいと見ていると、その翌年には法王の位を授けられました。そしてその法王 の為に、法王宮職(ほうおうぐうしき)も置かれて、長官・次官など、それぞれ発令せら れました。つまり法王庁が組織せられたのです。そして神護景雲三年の正月になると、 道鏡は、大臣を始め朝廷の高官の年賀の挨拶を受けています。時に左大臣は藤原永手、 右大臣は吉備真備ですが、それらの大臣豪族、頭を下げて年頭の御挨拶に行ったのです 。さあ、ここまで来ると、道鏡は間も無く天皇の位をねらうのでは無いか、と云う疑い が出てきました。そうと見て、早手廻しに御機嫌を取っておこうとしたのが、九州の大 宰府で神事を担当していた習宜阿曽麻呂で、「八幡の神のお告げがありました、道鏡が 天皇の位につけば、天下太平であるとの事です」と言い出しました。流石に天皇は御心 配になり、御信任の深い尼の法均をやって、八幡の神のお告げ、本当かどうか確かめた いと思し召されましたが、婦人の身で九州まで行く事、容易で無い為、その弟の和気清 麻呂を代わりに派遣せられました。清麻呂はこの時、近衛将監(しょうげん)でした。 将監は、長官・次官・判官・主典の四等官のうち、判官に当たりますから、かりに云えば、 近衛歩兵中尉とか大尉とか云うあたりでしょう。年齢はいくつであったか。延暦十八年 に無くなった時、六十七歳と云いますから、今神護景雲三年には、三十七歳の筈です。 清麻呂は、勅命を奉じ、姉に代わって九州へ下向しました。嗚呼この時、日本国の運命 は、三十七歳、近衛将監、和気清麻呂、この人ただひとりの、双肩にかかったのです。 清麻呂は宇佐(大分県)へ参り、八幡の神前にぬかずいて、謹んで神意をうかがいまし た。忽然として、神が出現せられました。仰せられるには、
 「我が国は、開闢以来、君臣の分、定まっているのだ。しかるに道鏡、何たる無道で あるか。臣下でありながら天位を望むとは、汝、帰って天皇に上奏せよ。天位は必ず皇 統を以て継承されよ、無道の者は、早く取り除くがよい。」
 清麻呂は奈良へ帰り、ありのままに上奏しました。怒ったの弓削の道鏡、清麻呂を因 幡(鳥取県)へ追放しようとしましたが、また処分を一層きびしく変更して、清麻呂を 大隅(鹿児島県)へ、姉の法均を備後(広島県)へ流しました。
 姉の法均、元の名は広虫と云う。弟の清麻呂と共に、早くから孝謙天皇にお仕えして 、御信任をいただいていました。そして天皇が仏門に入られますと同時に、自分も出家 して尼となり、名を法均と改めました。天平宝字八年に、恵美押勝の乱があって、死刑 に処せられる筈の者が三百七十五人ありました。法均は、固く天皇をお諌め申し上げ、 これ等の人々の死刑を減じて、流罪や禁固にしました。その一乱終わった後に、飢えと 病とに苦しんで、棄子をする者が沢山ありました。法均は、薮の中に棄てられている子 供を拾い集めて、自分の養子にして育てました。それが八十三人あったと云います。そ う云う人でしたから、重大な問題について神意をうかがう大任を、天皇は法均に命ぜら れたのでしょう。ところが何分女性の身で、九州まで参る事、容易でなく、之を弟に譲 ったのです。この姉から見込まれて、代行を命ぜられたのですから、清麻呂の人となり も分かりましょう。宇佐へ向かって出発する時、道鏡から、「一寸来る様に」と云われ ました。行ってみると、「首尾よく大任を果たしたならば、大臣にしてやるぞ」と云い ました。その誘惑や脅迫をしりぞけて、神勅をありのままに報告し、「我が国は開闢以 来君臣の分定まれり、無道の者は之を排除せよ」と云ったのは、実に偉いと云わねばな りません。道鏡は大いに腹を立てて、大隅へ下る清麻呂を、途中で殺させようとしたが 、果たさなかったと云います。
 清麻呂大隅へ流された翌年の八月、称徳天皇おかくれになり、光仁天皇御位におつき になりました。天智天皇の御子施基皇子の御子であります。その時には、国を憂うる重 臣等が敏活に働いて、道鏡の動きを封じましたが、それには坂上苅田麻呂が、道鏡の陰 謀を知って朝廷へ報告したのが、役に立った様です。称徳天皇おかくれになってより十 七日後には、道鏡は下野の国(栃木県)の薬師寺へ追われ、同時に習宜阿曽麻呂は島守 として多執(衣偏+執)島(たねがしま)へ遣われました。そしてその翌日には、道鏡 の弟であって、大納言を始め、いくつかの顕官要職を兼任していた弓削浄人を、その子 三人と共に、土佐の国(高知県)へ流され、またその翌日には道鏡の陰謀を探知して報 告した坂上苅田麻呂に正四位下を授け、その十三日後には和気清麻呂を大隅より、その 姉法均を備後より、呼び戻されました。
 前には清寧天皇おかくれの後と云い、また武烈天皇おかくれの時と云い、皇子ましま さずして、皇室の危機と云ってよい時でさえ、国体を乱そうとする者が出なかったので したが、その後、不幸にして蘇我氏の如き、また道鏡の如き、君臣の分をわきまえぬ不 埒な者が現れましたのは、いずれも御信任に甘え、身の程を忘れて増長してきたからで あります。その蘇我氏を排除せられたのは、天智天皇でありましたが、今度道鏡を退け られたのは、天智天皇の御孫光仁天皇でありました。
 光仁天皇は、道鏡を退けられました後、これまでの弊害を除こうとして、規律をきび しくし、倹約を勧め、僧侶も山林に入って修行するように、指導せられました。同時に 奥羽地方が乱れて、謀反する者まで出ましたので、征東大使を任命して、東北の問題を 解決しようとされましたが、そのうち御病気におかかりになり、御位を皇太子に御譲り になりました。そこでお立ちになったのが、桓武天皇であります。

◇前章 ◇次章

21 Wake no Kiyomaro, the Loyal Subject

Buddhism prospered well during the Nara period. Ther were six Sects:
Kusha (Abidatsuma Kusha Scripture) Sect,
Joujitsu (Joujitsu Scripture) Sect,
Risshuu (Rules [adhering to the rules of monastic discipline] Sect,
Hossou (Dharma Characteristics) Sect,
Sanron (Three Discourses) Sect,
Kegon (Garland) Sect.
Collectively these were called the Six Sects. At the beginning of the next Heian Period, the Tendai (Heavenly Platform) and Shingon (True Word) Sects joined to make the Eight Sects. Of the temples, Toudaiji-Temple was the most outstanding. There were other grand temples such as Saidaiji-Temple, Daianji-Temple, Gangoji-Temple, Yakushiji-Temple, Houryuuji-Temple, Koufukuji-Temple and so on.
Among the famous Buddhist monks were Gyouki, Rouben and Ganjin (Jianzhen). (an omission)

Not all monks were of such high virtue as Ganjin or Gyouki, who were admired and given titles "Daiwajou" or a call name Bodhisatva. There were wicked ones. The worst was Yuge no Doukyou (?-773). In the beginning, he was a reputable monk. Thus he won the trust of Empress Kouken (r. 749-758) who succeeded Emperor Shoumu (r. 724-749). During the next reign, of Emperor Junnin, there was unforttunate discord in the court, so Empress Kouken again ascended to be called Empress Shoutoku (r. 764-770).

Around this time, Doukou was appointed Reverend Minister of State. Two years later, he was appointed Reverend Chancellor. These were strange ranks not stipulated in the Taihou Code. His political rank was the highest, and at the same time he held the highest religious rank. As people watched in dismay, he was given the rank of Sacred Ruler in the next year. For this Sacred Ruler, a Palace Agency was created, and a Director and Vice Director were appointed to organize it. Thus the Sacred Ruler Agency was instituted.

In the first month of the third year of Jingo Keiun era (769), Doukyou received New Year's greetings from the high officials of the court, beginning with the ministers. At the time, the Minster of the Left was Fujiwara no Nagate, and of the Right, Kibi no Makibi. All such ministers and the clan leaders paid respects to Doukyou at this occasion. At this point, there arose a suspicion that Doukyou migjt usurp the imperial throne in the near future. Suki no Asomaro, who handled Shintou matters in the Government Headquarters in Kyuushuu, perceived this and tried to insinuate himself into Doukyou's favour beforehand. He reported: "There has been an oracle from the God of Hachiman. If Doykyou ascends to the imperoal throne, peace will prevail in the nation."

Finally the Empress became concerned. She wanted her nun-in-waiting by the name of Houkin, to go and confirm the oracle from the God of Hachiman. However, the journey to Kyuushuu would not be easy for a female, so Houkin's younger brother Wake no Kiyomaro was sent in her place.

At this time Kiyomaro was Lieutenant of the Headquarters of the Innner Palace Guard. This rank correspinds to the third of the four ranks: Director-General, Vice Director, Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant. In the modern military system, he would have been a Second Army Lieutenant of the Iemperial Guards, or a Captain. How old was he ? When he passed away in the 18th yea of Enryaku era (799) he was sixty-seven, so at this time of the third year of Jingo Keiun era (769) he would have been thirty-seven.

In obedience to the imperial decree, Wake no Kiyomaro left for Kyuushuu insted of his elder sister. Indeed at this time, the destiny of the nation of Japan was solely on the shoulders of this thirty-seven-year-old Lieutenant Wake no Kiyomaro. He arrived at Usa (Oh-ita Prefecture), kneeled in front of the shrine of the God of Hachiman, and prayed reverently. Suddenly the God appeared, and said:

"In our country, since the time of creation, the distinction between sovereign and subject has been fixed. What a great outrage that Doukyou goes against this, aspiring to the imperial throne from the position of a subject ! You must return and lay the matter before the Empress. The imperial throne must be succeeded by a person in the imperial lineage. Remove this impudent man promptly."

Wake no Kiyomaro returned to Nara, and reported the oracle simply, as it was. Doukyou was enraged, and tried to exile Waka no Kiyomaro to the Province of Inada (Tottori Prefecture), latar increasing the punishment to exile to Ohsumi (Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyuushuu). He also banished Houkin, the elder sister,to the Province of Bingo (Hiroshima Prefecture).

Houkin's secular name was Hiromushi. She served Empress Kouken from early times along with the younger brother Wake no Koyomaro, and was trusted by the Empress. When the Empress entered into religion, she also became a nun, and changed her name to Houkin. In the 8th year of Tenpyou Houji (764), there was the Insurgence of Emi no Oshikatsu, and 375 men were to be punished by death. Houkin earnestly dissuaded the Empress to lessen the verdicts from death to exile and imprisonment. After the Insurgence, because of starvation and sickness, there were many who deserted children. Houkin gathered these children from the woods, and adopted them as her own. It is said there were eighty-three of them. Houkin being such a person of high character, the Empress decreed that she take the great responsibility of enquiring about the oracle. But for a female it was not easy to go down to Kyuushuu, so she declined and recommended her younger brother. Since Houkin chose him, let us examine Wake no Kiyomaro's character.

When Wake no Kiyomaro was to take leave for Usa, Doukyou summoned hin:
"Come and see me briefly."
When Wake no Kiyomaro appeared, Doykyou told him:
"If you perform your grave duty well, I will make you a minister."
Kiyomaro rejected such enticement and coercion, and reported the oracle of the God as it was:
"In our countlry, since the time of creation, the distinction between sovereign and subject has been fixed. Remove this impudent man promptly."
This was a remarkable accomplishment. It is said that Doykyou, in anger, tried to assassinate Wake no Kiyomaro on hes way to Ohsumi (Kagoshima Prefecture) where he wa to be banished, but did not succed.

One year after Wake no Kiyomaro was banished in Ohsumi, in the 8th month, Empress Shoutoku passed away, and Emperor Kounin ascended to the throne. He was the son of Prince Shiki, who was a son of Emperor Tenji. At this time, the ministers who were concerned about the destiny of the nation moved swiftly and prevented Doukyou from taking action. In doing so, Sakanoue no Karitamaro reported Doukyou's secret designs to the court, and this seems to have been instrumental in his downfall. Seventeen days after the Empress' death, Doukyou was sent to Yakushiji-Temple in Shimotsuke Province (Tochigi Prefecture). On the same day Suki no Asomaro was sent to Tanegashima Island as Island Governor. Next day, Doukyou's brother Yuge no Kiyohito, who occupied several high and impportant appointments, beginning with Major Counsellor, was exiled to Tosa Province (Kouchi Prefecture) with his three children. Next day, Sakanoue no Karitamaro, who discovered and reported Doukyou's plans, was awarded the Senior Fourth rank. Thirteen days, Wake no Kiyomaro was called back from Ohsumu, and his elder sister Houkin from Bingo (Hiroshima Prefecture) Province.

The times when Empress Seinei (late 5th century) and Buretsu (early 6th century) passed away could have been regarded as national crises, as there was no prince to succeed to the throne. Even so, no one rose to challenge the orthodoxy of the imperial succession, which was the essence of this nation. But later on, unfortunately, treasonous men such as the Soga clan or Doukyou appeared, who disregarded the distinction between sovereign and subject. They took advantage of imperial trust and became boastful, forgetting their place. It was Emperor Tenji who removed the Soga clan; the one who removed Doukyou was Emperor Kounin, the grandson of Emperor Tenji.

After removing Doukyou, Emperor Konin strengthened the code, recommended frugality, and directed the monks to enter into ascetic training in the mountains and woods. At this time, there was unrest in the northern provinces. The Emperor appointed a Eastern Conquest General, to solve this problem. But the Emperor became sick, so he retired and transferred the throne to the Crown Prince. Thus ascended Emperor Kanmu.

◇前章 ◇次章

少年日本史 (平泉澄) 
The story of Japan (Hiraizumi Kiyoshi)