少年日本史 (平泉澄) 
The story of Japan (Hiraizumi Kiyoshi)

大化改新   英語(English)
13 大化改新
 ここに中臣鎌足と云う人がありました。天孫降臨の時に、瓊瓊杵尊の御供をした天児 屋命の子孫、神武天皇にお仕えして、国家建設に尽くしたのが天種子命、その子孫代々 朝廷に仕えて神事を掌っていました。そして今、鎌足の代に蘇我入鹿の横暴に出会った のです。鎌足は、蘇我氏を亡ぼさなければ、国は危ういと判断し、よって非常の大事を 断行する為に、皇族の中でどなたが最も英傑の御性質でおいでになるかを探し求めて、 舒明天皇の御子中大兄皇子こそ、その御方であると考えましたが、お近づきになる機会 がありません。たまたま法興寺の庭で打毬の会があって、皇子もお出ましになると聞い て、自分も之に参加しました。ところが皇子が毬を蹴りあげられた時に、お靴がぬけて 、毬と共に飛ぶと云う、思いもかけぬ出来事が起こりました。鎌足は、かねて注意して いたので、すばやくその靴を拾い取り、恭しく跪いて、之を皇子に献じ、皇子もまた跪 いて之をお受けになりましたが、これが縁となって、鎌足は皇子の御信任を得、何一つ かくさず御相談申し上げるようになりました。その頃、南淵請安と云う学者がありまし た。聖徳太子のお見出しにあずかり、隋へ留学して、三十二年と云う長い間、研究を積 んで、つい四、五年前に帰って来たばかりの碩学でした。中大兄皇子と、中臣鎌足とは この老学者について儒学を学ぶ事にして、その往還の蕗で、機密の計画を相談し、また 人物を選んで数名の同志を得、機会をうかがっていました。
 皇極天皇の四年六月、三韓より調を献じ、天皇の御前に御披露申し上げる事になりま した。その時、中大兄皇子の御指名により、倉山田石川麻呂が三韓の上表文を読み上げ るのを合図に、佐伯子麻呂等をして入鹿を斬らしめる御計画でありました。石川麻呂は 上表文を読みあげたが、子麻呂は俄に恐ろしくなって出て来ない。石川麻呂は読み終わ ろうとしても子麻呂が来ないので、汗は流れ声はふるえた。入鹿は不思議に思って、「 何故ふるえるのか」と尋ねる。石川麻呂は、「天皇の御前近く出ましたので、恐れ入り まして」と答える。中大兄皇子はこの様子を御覧になり、「やあ!」と声をかけて入鹿 を斬りつけられました。之に勇気を得て、子麻呂進んで入鹿の足を斬りました。天皇は 驚いて、「どうしたのか?」とお尋ねになりました。中大兄皇子は、跪いて、「入鹿は 悉く皇族を滅ぼして、皇位を奪い取ろうとしています、そのわるだくみを許すわけには 参りません」とお答えになりました。天皇は奥御殿へお入りになり、子麻呂等は遂に入 鹿を誅戮(わる者の罪を責めて殺すこと)しました。中大兄皇子は、すぐに法興寺へ入 り、ここを本陣とせられます。皇族を始めとして、古来の重臣、皆ここに集まります。 之に対して帰化人等は、一族を集めて武装し、蘇我の邸に集合して蝦夷を助け、中大兄 皇子と決戦する構えを見せた。皇子は巨勢徳陀と云う将軍をつかわして、「天地開闢以 来、君臣の関係は定まっており、之を犯す事は許されない」と云う道理を演説させられ ました。将軍の演説を聴いて、蘇我の邸を守っていた者共、皆武装を解いて逃げかえり 、蘇我氏は滅ぼされてしまいました。
 増長とと云うものは恐ろしいもので、蘇我と云う家は、本は皇族から出た名門で、功 績の多かった家ですが、代々重く用いられて、勢力も強くなると共に、思いあがって皇 室を凌ぐ気位になり、また帰化人に親しんで外国の文化に馴染むにつれ、我が国の国柄 も忘れて、皇位を自分の思うままにし、聖徳太子の御遺族を攻め滅ぼしたり、帰化人を そそのかして弑逆を行ったりしたものですから、ここに至って遂に亡ぼされてしまった のです。
 そこで中大兄皇子の御叔父孝徳天皇が御即位になり、中大兄皇子を皇太子に立て、阿 倍内麻呂を左大臣、蘇我倉山田石川麻呂を右大臣、そして中臣鎌足を内臣(うちつおみ )として、政治の大革新を計られました。最初に先ず天皇は、群臣を大槻の樹の下に集 めて、神前に誓いを立てさせられました。
 「天は上に覆い、地は下に載せるは、自然の法則であり、君は上位に在って治め、臣 は下位に在って仕えるは、人生の秩序であります。然るに近年その秩序を乱そうとする 者が出て来ましたので、遂に神罰を蒙って誅戮を受けました。今後はこの法則を守り、 秩序を維持しまして、絶対に違背いたしません。」
 人々はかように誓いを立てました。そして初めて正式に年号を立てて、この年を、大 化元年と定められました。皇紀一三〇五年、整列六四五年に当たります。そこでこれよ り数年の間に断行せられました大改革を、大化改新と云うのです。
 第一、土地人民の私有を禁じて、すべて天皇に直属し、朝廷の支配を受けるべき事を 明らかにし、その実現を計った事。
 第二、都には、坊令・坊長・里長等の役人を置いて之を治めさせ、地方には、国司・郡司 を置いて之を統括させ、都に誓い地方は、畿内として之を特別に重くみた事。
 第三、戸籍を作って人口数を明らかにし、すべての人に一定の田地を与え、それに対 して一定の租税を徴収した事。
 これ等は、その大筋に云えば、聖徳太子の憲法に、すでに明らかにせられている事で すが、たとえ理想は明らかにせられても、中々実現はむつかしく、豪族は土地人民を自 分勝手に押さえていて、国家統制の外に置くものが多かったでしょう。それを今は一々 具体的に指示して、人民に人民で、土地は土地で、また役人は役人で、すべて天皇に直 結し、朝廷の支配を受ける事にされたのです。それは非常にむつかしい事であったが、 蘇我氏と云う名門、権勢並ぶ者無き豪族が、一挙に亡ぼされたその機会を以て直ぐに実 行されたので、私利私欲を思う者も、皆之に従ったのでしょう。それに聖徳太子の御諭 しは、一見すればやさしすぎる様に思われるものの、それがいつの間にか人々の心にし み込んでいた事は、将軍巨勢徳陀の説得を聴いて、蘇我の邸に集まっていた者共、皆武 装を解いて逃げかえったと云うのでも分かるでしょう。聖徳太子が先ず道義道徳を明ら かにして人々の反省を求められ、それでも聞かない者を、次に中大兄皇子が、断固とし て武力を以て平らげられ、ここに朝廷の御威光が、全国に輝き、人々すべてその御光に 浴するようになったのです。
 この時の規定に、官吏は必ず寅の時に朝廷へ参り、南の御門の外で、左右に列なって 日の出を待って、日の出に至って御門を入り、庭において天皇に御挨拶申し上げて再拝 し、そしてそれぞれの役所につけ、もし遅刻する者あれば、御門を入る事は許されない 、午の時まで仕事をして、午の鐘が鳴ったならば、帰ってよろしい、とあります。寅の 時と云うのは、大体午前四時です。どうしても午前四時前には家を出て、御門の外にな らび、日の出に御門を入らなければならぬと云うのですから、実に早朝の出勤でしょう 。然しそれは過酷かと云うに、朝寝坊には一寸つらいでしょうが、おひるの十二時にな れば帰ってよろしいと云うのですから、その点はおおらかな規定、古代の健康な生活が しのばれるでしょう。
 暁の出勤、日の光さしそめる時に、百官御門を入り、謹んで御挨拶申し上げて、さて それぞれの部署につく。いかにも興国の気象が満ちあふれているではありませんか。
◇前章 ◇次章

13 The Taika Reform

At this time, there a man by the name Nakatomi no Kamatari (614-669). He was the descendant of Ama no Taneko no Mikoto, who descended from the God Ama no Koyane no Mokoto (Heavenly Small-House Deity), who accompanied the Heaven Grandchild Ninigi no Mikoto when he descended to earth. The subsequent generations of this family served the court in the capacity op managing Shinto ceremonial affairs. Nakatomi no Kamatari became the head of the Nakatomi clan when the tyranny of Soga no Iruka was rampant.

It was Nakatomi no Kamatari's judgement that unless the Soga clan were destroyed, the nation was in danger. To carry out this extraordinary act, he searched for a member the imperial family who endowed with courage and character. Prince Naka no Oh-e, the son of Emperor Jomei, was his choice. However, there was no chance to make contact with the Prince. Having heard of a kickball game to be held at the garden of Houkouji-Temple, Nakatomi no Kamatari attended, as the Prince would be presnt.

An unexpected event occurred there. When the Prince kicked the ball high, his shoe became undone and flew up. Nakatomi no Kamatari quickly retrived the shoe, and kneeling low, handed it to the Prince. The Prince also knelt down to receive it. This started their relationship, and Kamatari won the trust of the Prince. Kamatari started telling the Prince all his concerns.

Minamibuchi no Shouan, a cntemporary leaned scholar who was first discovered by Prince Shoutoku, had studied abroad in Sui for thirty-two years, and had returend four or five years previous. Prince Naka no Oh-e and Nakatomi no Kamatari became his students to study Confucianism. On the way to and from classes, they secretly discussed their plans. They carefully selected several men with the same conviction, and waited for the chance.

In the 6th month of the 4th year of the reign of Empress Kougyoku (r. 642-645), an envoy brought gifts from the Three Korean Kingdoms. These were to be displayed in the imperial presence. The plan was: when the Prince called on Kurayamada no Ishikawamaro to read aloud the memorials from the Three Korean Kingdoms, men led by Saeki no Komaro would attack Soga no Iruka and kill him.

Now Kurayamada no Ishikawamaro read the memorials, but Saeki no Komaro was suddenly seized with fright and would not appear. Sensing this, the reader Kurayamada no Ishikawamaro started perspiring, and his voice trembled. Soga no Ikura was puzzled and asked: "Why are you trembling ?" The answer: "I am awe-struck to be so near to the Empress." Watching this, Prince Naka no Oh-e cried out: "There !" and slashed at Iruka. Urget on, Saeki no Komaro proceeded to slash Iruka's foot. The Empress was shocked and asked: "What happened ?" Prince Naka no Oh-e knelt down and answered: "Soga no Iruka is trying to usurp the imperial throne by annihilating the imperial family. I cannot allow the evil plan to materialize." The Empress retired to the inner palace, and Saeki no Komaro and the men finally executed Soga no Iruka (the verb used here means to kill an evil person for his crimes).

Prince Naka no Oh-e promply secured Houkouji-Temple as the main camp. All the imperial family members and the loyal subjects gathered here. Opposing, the immigrants united and armed themselves at Soga no Emishi's house, to assist him in the decisive battle against the Prince. The Prince sent a general Kose no Tokuda, to have him preach the principle that from the beginning of heaven and earth, the relationship between lord and the subjects was determined, so violation was not permitted. Persuaded by this speech, the men who protected the Soga house laid down their arms and fled, and the clan was destroyed.

Conceit is a dire inclination. The clan of Soga was of a noble houseline desceding from the imperial family. They had made many meritorious contributions. But as they were valued in court generation after generation, they acquired power, and they became boastful enough to conspire to supercede the imperial house. They also befriended the immigrants, and through them became exposed to foreign thought. As a consequence they had forgotten the traditional Japanese national character. They thought they could usurp the imperial throne; they restroyed the family of Prince Shoutoku, and assassinated others nsing the immigrants. This was how the Soga came to be destroyed in the end.

The uncle of Prince Naka no Oh-e ascended as Emperor Koutoku (r. 645-654), while the Prince was invested as Crown Prince. Abe no Uchimaro became Minister of the Left, and Soga no Kurayamada no Ishikawamaro, Minister of the Right. Nakatomi no Kamatari became the Minister of the Interior. With this team, a major political reform was carried out.

First, the Emperor gathered all members of the court a tall zelkova tree and had them vow to the Gods:
"Heaven covers us, Earth upbears us: the Imperial way is but one. But in this last degenerate age, the order of Lord and Vassal was destroyed, until Supreme Heaven by Our hands put to death the traitors. Now, from this time forward, both parties shedding their heart's blood, the Lord will eschew double methods of government, and the Vassal will avoid duplicity in his service of the sovereign !"
All made the pledge. Then the new era name was decided upon, which made this year the first year of Taika (meaning "great reform") era. It was the imperial year 1305, 645 A.D. The political reforms carried out in the following several years came to be called the Taika Reform.

Following is the ourline of the Taika Reform:
1. Prohibition of private ownership of the land; all land belonged directly to the Emperor, to be controlled by the court; measures were carried out to sustain the control.
2. In the capital, officials such as aldermen and chief aldermen in the wards, and chief aldermen in the township were assigned; in the provinces, provincial governors and district governors were placed for integrated rule; the provinces close to the capital were called the Home Provinces, and were regarded as more important, because of their population and productivity.
3. Household registration was started in order to clarify the population numbers; a set area of land was distributed to each person, and taxes were collected according to uniform rates.
The above had been already stipulated by Prince Shoutoku's constitution. However, even though the ideals of the constitution were clear, it was difficult to bring them into effect. At the time of the constitution, the major clans still owned the land privately and controlled the retainers, remaining outside the control of the court.

Concrete directives came now with this Taika Reform. People, land, and officials were placed in a direct relationship with the Emperor, and were to be controlled by the court. This was an extremely difficult measure to institute, but it was carried out right after the annihilation of the incomparably powerful and aristocratic Soga clan. That may be why all the self-seeking clan members obeyed.

Furthermore, the seemingly simple teachings of Prince Shoutoku had permeated unnoticed into the hearts of the people. This can be observed in the men who gathered at the Soga house: they laid down their arms and left after hearing General Kose no Tokuda. Prince Shoutoku first clarified the moral principles, and invited reflection on the part of the people. Then Prince Naka no Oh-e determinedly destroyed the rebels. At this point, the authority of the court cast its rays throughout the country, covering all the people.

The regulations set at his time ordered the officials to report to the court at the hour of the tiger (rourhly 4 a.m.). They were to line up to the right and to the left outside the south gate of the imperial palace, to wait for sunrise. At sunrise, they were to enter the gate, greet and bow to the Emperor in the garden, and report to their respective offices. Late-comers were not enter the gate. They worked till the hour of the horse (twelve noon). At the sound of the bell telling the hour, they could go home.

The officials had to leave home before 4 a.m., line up outside the gate, and enter the gate at sunrise. This was indeed an early hour for reporting to work. Was it demanding ? It might have been hard for the late-sleepers, but since they could go home at twelve noon, it was a humane rule. We sense here the healthy lifestyle of the ancient period.

Hundreds of officials reporting to work at dawn, entering the gate at the first ray of sunlight, humbly greeting the Emperor, and then setting to work: the temperament of a rising nation abounds in this, does it not ?

◇前章 ◇次章

少年日本史 (平泉澄) 
The story of Japan (Hiraizumi Kiyoshi)