温故知新(TOP)(萬葉集 Man'yōshū) (Four-Character) (Yojijukugo) (名言Quotation)

Man'yōshū Best 100   Explanations Page 7

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Poem No. 12-3038    A spring poem from the "Hitomaro Collection"

かく恋ひむ ものと知りせば 夕置きて 朝は消ぬる 露にあらましを
Kaku koimu mono to shiriseba yūbe okite ashita wa kenuru tsuyu ni aramashi o
かく恋ひむ = かくこいむ = こんなに恋しい = my love sickness were so painful

ものと知りせば = ものとしりせば = ものだと知っていたなら = if I had known that ...

夕置きて = ゆうべおきて = 夕方(ゆうがた)におりて = that forms in the evening

朝は消ぬる = あしたはけぬる  = 朝(あさ)には消(き)える = and vanishes in the morning

露にあらましを = つゆにあらましを = 露であったらよかったのに = I would have wished I were the dew that ...


If I had known that my love sickness was to be so painful, I would have wished that I were the dew that forms in the evening and vanishes in the morning.

* 「せば...まし」 事実に反する仮定 = in the subjunctive mood, stating a hypothesis that is contrary to facts.

Poem No. 14-3351    Azuma Uta (Eastland Poems): A poem from Hitachi Province

筑波嶺に 雪かも降らる 否をかも かなしき子ろが 布干さるかも
Tsukuhane ni yuki kamo furaru ina o kamo kanashiki koro ga nino hosaru kamo
筑波嶺に = つくはねに = 筑波山(つくばやま)に = on Mt. Tsukuba

雪かも降らる = ゆきかもふらる = 雪が降ったのだろうか = Has snow fallen?

否をかも = いなをかも = いや、そうではなくて = or maybe not; or rather

かなしき子が = かなしきころが = いとしいあの子が = my darling girl

干さるかも = にのほさるかも = 布(ぬの) を干したのだろうか = has she hung out cloth to dry?

筑波山に雪が降ったのだろうか? いや、そうではなくて、いとしいあの子が布を干したのだろうか? 

Has snow fallen on Mt. Tsukuba? Or rather, has my darling girl hung out cloth to dry?

* 降らる: 「降れる」の訛り = local dialect for "fureru" 
* 「」: 意味を強める接尾語 = An intensive suffix
* 干さる: 「干せる」の訛り = local dialect for "hoseru" 
* にの: 「ぬの」の訛り = local dialect for "nuno"

Poem No. 14-3373    Azuma Uta (Eastland Poems): A poem from Musashi Province

多摩川に 晒す手作り さらさらに 何ぞこの子の ここだかなしき
Tamakawa ni sarasu tezukuri sarasara ni nani zo kono ko no kokoda kanashiki
多摩川に = たまかわに = 多摩川(たまがわ)に = in the Tama River

晒す手作り = さらすてづくり = 晒す手織(てお)りの布(ぬの)  = homespun cloth set out to bleach (sarasu)

さらさらに = さらさらに = 更に更に = still more; more and yet more (sarasara ni)

何ぞこの子の = なにぞこのこの = どうしてこの子が = why ... that darling girl

ここだかなしき = ここだかなしき = こんなにひどく可愛(かわ)いいのだろうか = so madly in love with;  think so tenderly of


Like the rustling ("sarasara") of the homespun cloth set out to bleach ("sarasu") in the Tama River, why do I think so tenderly of that darling girl more and yet more ("sarasara ni")?

* さらさら:  同音の繰り返し(「さらす」、「さらさらに」)に注意。 = Note that this poem makes a clever use of the repetition of the sound "sara" in "sarasu" and "sarasara ni."
* "sarasara": onomatopoeic for "rustling."

Poem No. 14-3400    Azuma Uta (Eastland Poems): A poem from Shinano Province

信濃なる 千曲の川の 細石も 君し踏みてば 玉と拾はむ
Shinano naru Chiguma no kawa no sazareshi mo kimi shi fumiteba tama to hirowan
信濃なる = しなのなる = 信濃にある = in (the Province of) Shinano

千曲の川の = ちぐまのかわの = 千曲川(ちくまがわ)の = of the Chikuma River

細石も = さざれしも = 小石(こいし)でも = even the pebbles

君し踏みてば = きみしふみてば = あなたが踏んだのなら = if you step on them

玉と拾はむ = たまとひろわん = 玉と思(おも)って拾いましょう = I will gather them as precious stones


Even the pebbles on the beach of the Chikuma River in Shinano, if stepped on by you, I will gather them as precious stones.

Poem No. 14-3459    Azuma Uta (Eastland Poems): A "love song"

稲搗けば かかる吾が手を 今夜もか 殿の若子が 取りて嘆かむ
Ine tsukeba kakaru a ga te o koyoi mo ka tono no wakugo ga torite nagekan
稲搗けば = いねつけば = 稲を搗(つ)くので = from hulling the rice

かかる吾が手を = かかるあがてを = あかぎれが切(き)れている私の手を = my hands hardened and chapped

今夜もか = こよいもか = 今夜(こんや)もまた = tonight again

殿の若子が = とののわくごが = お屋敷(やしき)の若様(わかさま)が = the young son of the lord of the manor

取りて嘆かむ = とりてなげかん = 手にとって嘆かれることだろうか = hold them in his hands and sigh?


Will the young son of the lord of the manor, tonight again, hold my hands hardened and chapped from hilling the rice, and sigh?

* これは農民の若い女性たちが稲を搗きながら歌った作業歌。 = This was a work song sung by a group of young peasant women hulling rice together.

Poems 15-3578 through 15-3722:
     Poems exchanged between the members of the Embassy to Silla of 736 and those who were left at home, and poems on the afflictions and and sorrows of the voyage.

Poem No. 15-3580    Anonymous

君が行く 海辺の宿に 霧立たば 吾が立ち嘆く 息と知りませ
Kimi ga yuku umibe no yado ni kiri tataba a ga tachinageku iki to shirimase
君が行く = きみがゆく = あなたが行く途中(とちゅう)の = on your way

海辺の宿に = うみべのやどに = 海辺の宿に = where you lodge by the sea

霧立たば = きりたたば = 霧が立ったなら = if a mist should rise

吾が立ち嘆く = あがたちなげく = 私が立ってため息(いき)をつく; 私が立って嘆く = as I sigh standing here

息と知りませ = いきとしりませ = (その)息だと思(おも)ってください = please know it is my breath


If a mist should rise on your way where you lodge by the sea, please know it is my breath as I sigh standing here.

Poem No. 15-3615    Anonymous

わが故に 妹嘆くらし 風速の 浦の沖辺に 霧たなびけり
Wa ga yue ni imo nagekurashi Kazahaya no ura no okihe ni kiri tanabikeri
わが故に = わがゆえに = 私のために = for me; because of me

妹嘆くらし = いもなげくらし = 妻(つま)が嘆いているらしい = my love must be sighing 

風速の = かざはやの = 風速の = of Kazahaya

浦の沖辺に = うらのおきへに = 浦の沖のあたりに = some way out at sea from the shore

霧たなびけり = きりたなびけり = 霧がたなびいていることよ = a mist is trailing

私のために妻が嘆いているらしい。 風速の浦の沖のあたりに、霧がたなびいているよ。

My wife must be sighing after me. Some way out at sea from the shore of Kazayaha, a mist is trailing.

Poem No. 15-3690    A lament composed by an anonymous member of the embassy for another member who died en route to Korea.

世の中は 常かくのみと 別れぬる 君にやもとな 吾が恋ひ行かむ
Yononaka wa tsune kakunomi to wakarenuru kimi ni ya motona a ga koiyukan
世の中は = よのなかは = 世の中というものは = the way of the world (is)

常かくのみと = つねかくのみと = いつもこのようでしかないものだと(言わんばかりに) = (as if meaning to say that) ... is, and has always been, (nothing but) like this 

別れぬる = わかれぬる = (我々から)別れていった; 死(し)んでいった = (has) departed (from us)

君にもとな = きみにやもとな = あなたに、ただわけもなく = (for) you, senselessly [meaninglessly]

吾が恋ひ行かむ = あがこいゆかん = 私は恋い慕(した)いつつ (旅(たび)をつづけて) ゆくのか = Am I to go on (continuing this journey), longing (for you)?


Am I to go on, continuing this journey, senselessly longing for you who has departed from us as if meaning to say that the way of the world has always been like this?

* もとな: = わけもなく、根拠なく(副詞) = for no reason; meaninglessly; senselessly (adverb) 
* : 「や」は問いの意を表す助詞。  Here, the particle "ya" is a question marker.

Poem No. 15-3724    Composed by Maiden Sano Otogami on parting with Nakatomi Yakamori, her lover, who was being sent into exile

君が行く 道の長路を 繰り畳ね 焼き亡ぼさむ 天の火もがも
Kimi ga yuku michi no nagate o kuritatane yakihorobosan ame no hi mogamo
君が行く = きみがゆく = あなたが行く = that you (must) take

道の長路を = みちのながてを = 道の長い道のりを = the long distance of the road

繰り畳ね = くりたたね = たぐり寄(よ)せて畳(たた)んで = draw/haul in and fold up

焼き亡ぼさむ = やきほろぼさん = 焼き尽(つ)くしてしまうような = that would burn up/away

天の火もがも = あまのひもがも = 天(てん)の火が欲(ほ)しいものだ。 = I wish I had the fire of heaven


I wish I had the fire of heaven with which I could haul in, fold up, and burn away the long road that you must go.

* もがも = 願望の意を表す。 ... があればなあ、 ... であればなあ = Expresses a wish -- I wish there were ...; I wish I had ...; I wish it were ...

Poem No. 15-3727    Composed by Nakatomi Yakamori along the road to the land of his exile

塵泥の 数にもあらぬ われ故に 思ひわぶらむ 妹が悲しさ
Chirihiji no kazu ni mo aranu ware yue ni omoiwaburan imo ga kanashisa
塵泥の = ちりひじの = 塵(ちり)や泥(どろ)のように = like dust or mud

数にもあらぬ = かずにもあらぬ = 物(もの)の数(かず)にも入(はい)らない = worthless/insignificant

われ故に = われゆえに = 私のために = for me; because of me

思ひわぶらむ = おもいわぶらん = 思い悩(なや)んでいるであろう = who would be worried about ... ; who would be heartsick

妹が悲しさ = いもがかなしさ = おまえがいとおしくてならない = My heart breaks for you, my beloved, who


My heart breaks for you, my beloved, who would be worried about me who am as worthless as dust or mud.

Poem No. 19-4139    Composed by Ōtomo Yakamochi on viewing the blossoms of the peach trees in his spring garden, on the evening of the first of March, 750

春の苑 紅にほふ 桃の花 下照る道に 出で立つをとめ
Haru no sono kurenai niou momo no hana shitaderu michi ni idetatsu otome
春の苑 = はるのその  = 春の庭園(ていえん) の = in the springtime garden

紅にほふ = くれないにおう = 紅色(べにいろ) に輝(かがや) いている = radiating a crimson glow

桃の花 = もものはな = 桃の花 = peach blossoms

下照る道に = したでるみちに = その下の紅(あか) く映(は) える小道(こみち) に = on the garden path beneath, lit with crimson glow

出で立つをとめ = いでたつおとめ = 現(あらわ) れて立(た) ち止(ど) まる乙女(おとめ)  = a maiden (who) appears and pauses for a moment


In my springtime garden, on the path beneath the peach blossoms radiating a crimson glow, a maiden steps in view and pauses for a moment.

Poem No. 19-4143    A poem on plucking a fawn lily, composed by Ōtomo Yakamochi on the second of March, 750

もののふの 八十をとめらが 汲みまがふ 寺井のうへの かたかごの花
Mononofu no yaso otomera ga kumimagau terai no ue no katakago no hana
もののふの = もののふの = 「八十」にかかる枕詞(まくらことば) = a makurakotoba that precedes 「八十」

八十をとめらが = やそおとめらが = 大勢(おおぜい)の乙女(おとめ)たちが = many maidens

汲みまがふ = くみまがう = 入(い)り乱(みだ)れて水(みず)を汲(く)む = drawing water in a lively jumble; bustling about drawing water

寺井のうへの = てらいの上の = 寺(てら)の泉(いずみ)のほとりの = around the temple fountain

かたかごの花  = かたかごのはな = カタクリの花 = a bloom of fawn lily


In the crannies around the temple fountain bustled with many maidens drawing water, fawn lilies bloom inconspicuously.

* まがふ・紛ふ(まがう) = 入りまじる; 入り乱れる = mix in confusion; be jumbled together
* 八十(やそ)= ここでは「多数」の意。 = Here, it means "many," "a large number of."
* うへ(うえ) = あたり、ほとり、付近 = neighborhood; vicinity
* かたかご = カタクリ = a fawn lily; a dogtooth violet (Erythronium japonicum) 

Two poems composed by Ōtomo Yakamochi, as fancy dictated, on the twenty-third of February, 753.

Poem No. 19-4290

春の野に 霞たなびき うら悲し この夕かげに 鴬鳴くも
Haru no no ni kasumi tanabiki uraganashi kono yūkage ni uguisu naku mo
春の野に = はるののに = 春の野に = Over the spring field

霞たなびき = かすみたなびき = 霞がたなびいて = a mist is hanging

うら悲し = うらがなし = うら悲しい = なんとなくもの悲(がな)しい = (I) feel unaccountably [a little] sad; somehow(I) feel melancholy

この夕かげに = このゆうかげに = この夕暮(ゆうぐ)れの光(ひかり)の中(なか)で = in this fading light of evening; in this evening twilight

鴬鳴く = うぐいすなくも =  A bush warbler sings = うぐいすが鳴く(ことよ)

春の野に霞がたなびいて、なんとなくもの悲しい。 この夕暮れの光のなかで、うぐいすが鳴くことよ。

A mist is trailing over the spring field, and somehow I feel melancholy.  In this evening twilight, a bush warbler sings.

* うら  = 「内心」、「思い」等を表す接頭語 = A preface that means "one's inmost heart," "one's inward thoughts."
*  = 感動・詠嘆の終助詞 = a sentence-final particle denoting strong impression/emotion.

Poem No. 19-4291

わが宿の いささ群竹 吹く風の 音のかそけき この夕かも
Wa ga yado no isasa muratake fuku kaze no oto no kasokeki kono yūhe kamo
わが宿の = わがやどの = わが家(いえ)の = of/around my house

いささ群竹 = いささむらたけ = 小(ちい)さな竹(たけ)の茂(しげ)み = the small bamboo grove

吹く風の = ふくかぜの = 吹く風の = of the blowing wind

音のかそけき = おとのかそけき = 音がかすかな; 音がかすかに聞(き)こえる = the sound is faint; faint rustling is heard

この夕かも  = このゆうへかも = この夕暮(ゆうぐ)れであることよ = in the gathering dusk of this evening


In the gathering dusk of this evening, I hear a rustling wind blowing faintly through the small bamboo grove around my house.

* いささ  = 小さな、わずかな、ささやかな 等を表す接頭語 = A preface that means tiny, little, humble, etc.
* かそけき ← かそけし・幽けし = かすかな、消え入るような = faint; scarecely audible/visible
* かも = 感動・詠嘆の終助詞 = a sentence-final particle denoting strong impression/emotion.

Poem No. 19-4292    Composed by Ōtomo Yakamochi on the twenty-fifth day of February, 753

うらうらに 照れる春日に 雲雀あがり こころ悲しも 一人し思へば
Uraura ni tereru haruhi ni hibari agari kokoro kanashi mo hitori shi omoeba
うらうらに = うらうらに = うららかに (日光(にっこう)が明(あか)るく、暖(あたた)かく、のどかなさま)= calmly; beautifully; gloriously (of the sunshine being bright, warm, and serene)

照れる春日に = てれるはるひに = (太陽(たいよう)が)照(て)っている春の日に = on the spring day when the sun is shining

雲雀あがり = ひばりあがり = ひばりが舞(ま)い上(あ)がり = a skylark rises

こころ悲しも = こころかなしも = 心悲(うらがな)しいことよ = I feel sad at heart; I feel melancholy

一人し思へば = ひとりしおもえば = 一人で物思(ものおも)いをしていると = as I am alone with my thoughts  


In the serenity of the bright spring sun, a skylark rises. And I feel sad at heart as I am alone with my thoughts.

Seven "Songs of the Sakimori (Frontier-guards)" composed by conscript soldiers from the eastern provinces stationed in northern Kyūshū and its outlying islands

Poem No. 20-4322    By Wakayamatobe Mumaro

わが妻は いたく恋いらし 飲む水に 影さへ見えて 世に忘られず
Wa ga tsuma wa itaku koirashi nomu mizu ni kago sae miete yo ni wasurarezu
わが妻は = わがつまは = 私の妻は = my wife

いたく恋いらし = いたくこいらし = ひどく(私を)恋い慕(した)っているらしい = must be painfully yearning for me

飲む水に = のむみずに = (私が)飲む水に = in the water I drink

影さへ見えて = かごさえみえて = (妻の)面影(おもかげ)さえ見えて = her image even appears

世に忘られず = よにわすられず = とても忘れられない = I can never forget her; I cannot forget her for all the world

妻はひどく私を恋い慕っているらしい。 私が飲む水に妻の面影さえ見えて、とても忘れられない。

My wife must be painfully yearning for me. Her image appears even in the very water I drink; I cannot forget her for all the world.

* 恋いらし・こいらし = 「恋ふらし・こうらし」の上代東国方言 = ancient eastern dialetcal form for 「恋ふらし・こうらし」
* かご・影 = 「かげ・影」の上代東国方言 = ancient eastern dialectal form for 「かげ・影」
* 世に・よに = 決して、全然、断じて = never (for all the world)

Poem No. 20-4337    By Utobe Ushimaro

水鳥の 発ちの急ぎに 父母に 物言ず来にて 今ぞ悔しき
Mizutori no tachi no isogi ni chichi hana ni monowazu kenite ima zo kuyashiki
水鳥の = みずとりの = 水鳥が飛(と)び立(た)つような = like the waterfowl taking to flight

発ちの急ぎに = たちのいそぎに = 出立(しゅったつ)の慌(あわ)ただしさに = in the rush of departure 

父母に = ちちははに = 父母に = to my father and my mother

物言ず来にて = ものわずけにて = ろくに物も言(い)わずに来(き)てしまって = I came away without saying much 

今ぞ悔しき = いまぞくやしき = いまでは後悔(こうかい)されることだ = I regret it now


In the rush of departure as of the waterfowl taking to flight, I came away without saying much to my father and my mother. How I regret it now.

* 物言ず・ものわず = 「物言わず・ものいわず」の略 = an abbreviation of 「物言わず・ものいわず」.
* 来にて・けにて = 「来にて・きにて」の上代東国方言 = ancient eastern dialetcal form for 「来にて・きにて」 

Poem No. 20-4343    By Tamatsukuribe Hirome

我ろ旅は 旅と思ほど 家にして 子持ち痩すらむ わが妻かなしも
Waro tabi wa tabi to omeodo ii ni shite komechi yasuran wa ga mi kanashi mo
我ろ旅は = わろたびは = 私の旅は = (As for) my journey

旅と思ほど = たびとおめおど = これが旅というものだと思(おも)って辛抱(しんぼう)もできるが = I know it is a journey (= I can endure it knowing this is what a journey is)

家にして = いいにして = 家に残(のこ)って = (remaining/being left) at home

子持ち痩すらむ = こめちやすらん = 子どもを抱(かか)えて痩(や)せているであろう = (who) must be getting thin careworn with the children

わが妻かなしも = わがみかなしも = 私の妻(つま)がかわいそうなことだ = my heart goes out to my wife


I can endure my journey knowing this is what a journey is. But my heart goes out to my wife who, being left at home, must be getting thin careworn with the children.

* 「わろ(=わが)」「おめほど(=おもへど)」「いひ(=いへ)」「こめち(=こもち)」「わがみ(=わがめ)」は上代東国方言。 = These are the ancient eastern dialectal forms.

Poem No. 20-4345    By Kasugabe Maro

我妹子と 二人わが見し うち寄する 駿河の嶺らは 恋しくめあるか
Wagimeko to futari wa ga mishi uchiesuru Suruga no nera wa kūshiku me aruka
我妹子と = わぎめこと = 私の妻と = together with my sweetheart/wife

二人わが見し = ふたりわがみし = 二人で見た = the pair of us gazed at

うち寄(へ)する = うちえする = 波寄(なみよ)せる: 「駿河・(するが)」にかかる枕詞(まくらことば) = wave-washed: the makurakotoba that precedes 「駿河・(するが)」.

駿河の嶺らは = するがのねらは = 駿河の高峰(=富士山)が = the lofty peak (=Mt. Fuji) of (the province of) Suruga

(くふ)しくめあるか = くうしくめあるか = 恋しく思われることよ = how I long for it! how I miss it!


Together with my darling wife I used to gaze at the high peak of Fuji in wave-washed Suruga. O how I long for it!

* 「わぎめこ(=わぎもこ)」「うちへする(=うちよする)」「ねら(=ねろ)」「くふしくめ(=こひしくも)」 は上代東国方言。 = These are the ancient eastern dialectal forms.

Poem No. 20-4346    By Hasetsukabe Inamaro

父母が 頭かき撫で 幸くあれて 言ひし言葉ぜ 忘れかねつる
Chichi haha ga kashira kakinade saku are te iishi ketoba ze wasurekanetsuru
父母が = ちちははが = 父母が = my father and my mother

頭かき撫で = かしらかきなで = (私の)頭(あたま)を撫(な)でて = gave me a pat on the head

幸くあれて = さくあれて = 無事(ぶじ)でいなさいと = Good luck with you!

言ひし言葉ぜ = いいしことばぜ = 言った言葉が = the words they spoke

忘れかねつる = わすれかねつる = 忘れられない = I have not been able to forget.


My parents gave me a pat on the head and said "Good luck with you!"  I have not been able to forget those words.

* 「さくあれて(=さきくあれと)」と「ことばぜ(=ことばぞ)」は上代の中部地方の方言 = These are the ancient dialectal forms in central Japan.

Poem No. 20-4373    By Imamatsuribe Yosofu

今日よりは 顧りみなくて 大王の 醜の御楯と 出で立つわれは
Kyō yori wa kaeriminaku te ōkimi no shiko no mitate to idetatsu ware wa
今日よりは = きょうよりは = 今日からは = from this day forward

顧りみなくて = かえりみなくて = すべてを顧みずに = without turning my thoughts toward home

大王の = おおきみの  = 天皇(てんのう)の = of my sovereign

醜の御楯と = しこのみたてと = 卑(いや)しい楯(たて)として = as a humble shield

出で立つわれは = いでたつわれは = 出立(しゅったつ)する、私は = am setting out to serve, I


From this day forward, I will not turn my thoughts toward home. I who have set out to serve as my sovereign's humble shield.

Poem No. 20-4425    By a frontier-guard's wife

防人に 行くは誰が夫と 問ふ人を 見るが羨しさ 物思もせず
Sakimori ni yuku wa ta ga se to tou hito o miru ga tomoshisa monomoi mo sezu
防人に = さきもりに = 防人に = as a frontier-guard

行くは誰が夫と = ゆくはたがせと = 行くのは誰(だれ)の夫(おっと)かと = whose husband is going?

問ふ人を = とうひとを = 聞(き)いている人を = a/the person who is asking

見るが羨しさ = みりがともしさ = 見るのは羨(うらや)ましいいことよ = how I envy seeing him/her

物思もせず = ものもいもせず = 何も思(おも)い煩(わずら)うこともなしに = being free from all anxieties

防人に行くのは誰の夫かと聞いている人を見るのは羨ましいことよ。 何も思い煩うこともなしに。

How I envy seeing a woman asking who is going as a frontier-guard.  So free from all anxieties!

Poem No. 20-4516    By Ōtomo Yakamochi at the banquet of the New Year's Day of 759.

新しき 年の初めの 初春の 今日降る雪の いやしけ吉事
Aratashiki toshi no hajime no hatsuharu no kyō furu yuki no iyashike yogoto
新しき = あらたしき = 新(あたら)しい = the new 

年の初めの = としのはじめの = 年のはじめの = beginning of the year

初春の = はつはるの = 新春(しんしゅん)の = in/of early spring

今日降る雪の = きょうふるゆきの = 今日降る雪のように = like the snow that falls today

いやしけ吉事 = いやしけよごと = よいことがいっそう重(かさ)なれ = May there be ever more good things to come!


Like the snow that falls on this first day of the new year in early spring, may there be ever more good things to come!

* 今日降る雪:  元日の雪は豊年の兆しと考えられいた。 = The snow on the New Year's Day was considered the sign of an abundant harvest in the year to come.
* いやしけ = 「いやしく・弥頻く」(=ますます重なる、いよいよ盛んになる)の命令形 = the imperative form of 「いやしく」, meaning "occurring more and more often"


江守孝三(emori kozo)