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『武士道 Bushido 』-新渡戸稲造(Inazo Nitobé)-
Chapter 00
(Prefaces 序文)
Bushido, the Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe [Book] [reading]

Chapter TOP 新渡戸稲造(Inazo Nitobé)TOP
Chapter 00(Prefaces 序文)
Chapter 01(Bushido as an Ethical System 武士道とは)
Chapter 02(Sources of Bushido 武士道の源)
Chapter 03(Rectitude or Justice 「義」)
Chapter 04(Courage, the Spirit of Daring and Bearing 「勇」)
Chapter 05(Benevolence, the Feeling of Distress 「仁」)
Chapter 06(Politeness 「礼」)
Chapter 07(Veracity or Truthfulness 「誠」)
Chapter 08(Honor 「名誉」)
Chapter 09(The Duty of Loyalty 「忠義」)
Chapter 10(Education and Training of a Samurai 武士は何を学びどう己を磨いたか)
Chapter 11(Self-Control 人に勝ち己に勝つために)
Chapter 12(The Institutions of Suicide and Redress 「切腹」)
Chapter 13(The Sword, the Soul of the Samurai 「刀」)
Chapter 14(The Training and Position of Woman 武士道が求めた女性の理想像)
Chapter 15(The Influence of Bushido 「大和魂」)
Chapter 16(Is Bushido Still Alive? 武士道は蘇るか)
Chapter 17(The Future of Bushido 武士道から何を学ぶか)
[修養]、 ・[自警録]

Chapter00 (Prefaces 序文)  Read 朗読 00   (level5.. 00)  朗読、Read

About ten years ago, while spending a few days under the hospitable roof of the distinguished Belgian jurist, the lamented M. de Laveleye, our conversation turned, during one of our rambles, to the subject of religion. "Do you mean to say," asked the venerable professor, "that you have no religious instruction in your schools?" On my replying in the negative he suddenly halted in astonishment, and in a voice which I shall not easily forget, he repeated "No religion! How do you impart moral education?" The question stunned me at the time. I could give no ready answer, for the moral precepts I learned in my childhood days, were not given in schools; and not until I began to analyze the different elements that formed my notions of right and wrong, did I find that it was Bushido that breathed them into my nostrils.

The direct inception of this little book is due to the frequent queries put by my wife as to the reasons why such and such ideas and customs prevail in Japan.

In my attempts to give satisfactory replies to M. de Laveleye and to my wife, I found that without understanding Feudalism and Bushido, the moral ideas of present Japan are a sealed volume.

Pronounced Boó-shee-doh'. In putting Japanese words and names into English, Hepburn's rule is followed, that the vowels should be used as in European languages, and the consonants as in English.

Taking advantage of enforced idleness on account of long illness, I put down in the order now presented to the public some of the answers given in our household conversation. They consist mainly of what I was taught and told in my youthful days, when Feudalism was still in force.

Between Lafcadio Hearn and Mrs. Hugh Fraser on one side and Sir Ernest Satow and Professor Chamberlain on the other, it is indeed discouraging to write anything Japanese in English. The only advantage I have over them is that I can assume the attitude of a personal defendant, while these distinguished writers are at best solicitors and attorneys. I have often thought,—"Had I their gift of language, I would present the cause of Japan in more eloquent terms!" But one who speaks in a borrowed tongue should be thankful if he can just make himself intelligible.

All through the discourse I have tried to illustrate whatever points I have made with parallel examples from European history and literature, believing that these will aid in bringing the subject nearer to the comprehension of foreign readers.

Should any of my allusions to religious subjects and to religious workers be thought slighting, I trust my attitude towards Christianity itself will not be questioned. It is with ecclesiastical methods and with the forms which obscure the teachings of Christ, and not with the teachings themselves, that I have little sympathy. I believe in the religion taught by Him and handed down to us in the New Testament, as well as in the law written in the heart. Further, I believe that God hath made a testament which maybe called "old" with every people and nation,—Gentile or Jew, Christian or Heathen. As to the rest of my theology, I need not impose upon the patience of the public.

In concluding this preface, I wish to express my thanks to my friend Anna C. Hartshorne for many valuable suggestions and for the characteristically Japanese design made by her for the cover of this book.

INAZO NITOBE. Malvern, Pa., Twelfth Month, 1899.


Since its first publication in Philadelphia, more than six years ago, this little book has had an unexpected history. The Japanese reprint has passed through eight editions, the present thus being its tenth appearance in the English language. Simultaneously with this will be issued an American and English edition, through the publishing-house of Messrs. George H. Putnam's Sons, of New York.

In the meantime, Bushido has been translated into Mahratti by Mr. Dev of Khandesh, into German by Fräulein Kaufmann of Hamburg, into Bohemian by Mr. Hora of Chicago, into Polish by the Society of Science and Life in Lemberg,—although this Polish edition has been censured by the Russian Government. It is now being rendered into Norwegian and into French. A Chinese translation is under contemplation. A Russian officer, now a prisoner in Japan, has a manuscript in Russian ready for the press. A part of the volume has been brought before the Hungarian public and a detailed review, almost amounting to a commentary, has been published in Japanese. Full scholarly notes for the help of younger students have been compiled by my friend Mr. H. Sakurai, to whom I also owe much for his aid in other ways.

I have been more than gratified to feel that my humble work has found sympathetic readers in widely separated circles, showing that the subject matter is of some interest to the world at large. Exceedingly flattering is the news that has reached me from official sources, that President Roosevelt has done it undeserved honor by reading it and distributing several dozens of copies among his friends.

In making emendations and additions for the present edition, I have largely confined them to concrete examples. I still continue to regret, as I indeed have never ceased to do, my inability to add a chapter on Filial Piety, which is considered one of the two wheels of the chariot of Japanese ethics—Loyalty being the other. My inability is due rather to my ignorance of the Western sentiment in regard to this particular virtue, than to ignorance of our own attitude towards it, and I cannot draw comparisons satisfying to my own mind. I hope one day to enlarge upon this and other topics at some length. All the subjects that are touched upon in these pages are capable of further amplification and discussion; but I do not now see my way clear to make this volume larger than it is.

This Preface would be incomplete and unjust, if I were to omit the debt I owe to my wife for her reading of the proof-sheets, for helpful suggestions, and, above all, for her constant encouragement.

Kyoto,   Fifth Month twenty-second, 1905.



日本の魂ー日本思想の解明ー 日本的思考の根源を見る。
(第三章 義-あるいは正義について)
サムライにとって、 卑怯な行動や不正な行動ほど恥ずべきものはない。
(第九章 忠義)
(第十章 武士の教育)
(第十一章 克己)
心の奥底の思いや感情—特に宗教的なもの—を雄弁に述べ立てることは、日本人の間では、それは深遠でもなく、 誠実でもないことの疑いないしるしだと受け取られた。
(第十四章 女性の教育と地位)

NHK[100分de名著  動画 
≪AI朗読≫いま、拠って立つべき〝日本の精神〟武士道 ≪新渡戸稲造≫  
新渡戸稲造「武士道」1,矢内原 忠雄訳,朗読 2朗読 3朗読 4朗読
武士道 新渡戸稲造 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章

・ 新渡戸稲造の至極の名言集
・Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nito(1-18)
・Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe(1-18)
・武士道「BUSHIDO」Japanese Ver.

Bushido, the Soul of Japan




日本人 新渡戸稲造博士が世界に発信した日本人論。








「宗教がない! だとしたら、いったいどうやって道徳を教えるんですか?」








「おのれの魂という畑が、優しい心で揺れ動くのを感ずるか? まかれた種が芽吹こうとしているのだ。言葉でそれを妨げてはならぬ。静かに、ひそやかに、自ら芽吹くのを見守っているのだ」


「かくすればかくなるものと知りながら やむにやまれぬ大和魂」



第1章 道徳体系としての「武士道」
第2章 武士道の源
第3章 「義」――あるいは正義について
第4章 「勇」――勇敢さと忍耐力
第5章 「仁」――慈愛の心
第6章 「礼」
第7章 「誠」――正直さと誠実さ
第8章 「誉<<ほまれ>>」――あるいは名誉について
第9章 「忠義」
第10章 武士の教育と鍛錬
第11章 自制心
第12章 切腹と敵討ちという制度
第13章 刀――武士の魂
第14章 女性の教育と地位
第15章 武士道から大和魂へ
第16章 武士道は今も生きているか
第17章 武士道のこれから

新渡戸稲造(Inazo Nitobe)

文久2年(1862年)、藩士 新渡戸十次郎の三男として南部藩(今の岩手県)に生まれる。


[温故知新]、、 武士道(新渡戸稲造)茶の本(岡倉天心)代表的日本人(内村鑑三)学問のすすめ(福沢諭吉)自助論(Smiles)NHKテレビ 「100分de名著」 【武士道】新渡戸稲造 を放送、好評 テキスト (日本的思考の根源を見る) ”忠義”は追従ではない。”名誉”は求める心である。  

Copyright(c) 2010: ぷらっとさんぽ(-Prattosampo-)   江守孝三 (Emori Kozo)